Wednesday, 30 December 2015

static force analysis

                                       static force analysis continu......

Similarly a three force member will be in equilibrium if the vector sum of all these forces equal to zero and to satisfy the vector sum of all the moments about any arbitrary point equal to zero, their line of action should meet at a point.

Figure 4(a) shows a body subjected to three forces Also the line of action of coincide at point O. Hence the resultant of must F1 and F2 must pass through point O and it should be equal and opposite to force F3 . Hence for equilibrium, line of action of F3 should pass through point O as shown in Figure 4(b). In figure 4(c) the forces are shown to form a close polygon (triangle) and one may use Lami’s theorem (sine rule of tringle) to find the unknown forces if atleast one force is known both in magnitude and direction and the line of action of one more force is known. According to this theorem 

where , and αβ γ are angle as shown in figure 4(c).
For more than three forces one may draw force vector polygon or resolve the forces and moments to get the required force components.

static force analysis

Static Force Analysis conti...........

Static equilibrium:

Hence a two force member as shown in figure 3(a) will be in equilibrium if (i) both forces are equal and opposite and (b) their line of action coincide. If the forces are equal and opposite but not collinear as shown in Figure 3(b) they will form a couple and body will start to rotate. Hence these two forces should be equal, opposite and collinear.

static force analysis


Free-body diagram

A free body diagram is a sketch or drawing of the body, isolated from the rest of the machine and its surroundings, upon which the forces and moments are shown in action. In case of the four bar mechanism shown in figure 1 the free body diagram
of link 3 is as shown below.
When a link or body is subjected to only two forces it is called a two-force member and when it is subjected to 3 forces it is called a three-force member. Similarly one may consider multi-force member also.

Static equilibrium: A body is in static equilibrium if
• the vector sum of the forces acting on the body is zero i.e., ΣF=0
• the vector sum of all the moments about any arbitrary point is zero i.e., ΣM=0

static force analysis

Static Force Analysis conti....
Four bar mechanism showing external and constraint forces
Constraint forces of action and reaction at a mechanical contact occur in pairs and thus have no net force effect on the system of bodies being considered.
When a part of the body is considered in isolation the effect of such force is considered by using the freebody diagram.
Characteristics of a force are its magnitude, its direction and its point of application
Two equal and opposite forces along two parallel but noncollinear straight lines in a body cannot be combined to constitute a single force and they constitute a couple. The arm of the couple is the perpendicular distance between their lines of action and the plane of the couple is the plane containing the two lines of action.
The moment of the couple M is a vector directed normal to the plane of the couple and the sense of M is in accordance to the right-hand rule for rotation.

The value of M is independent of the choice of the reference point about which the moments are taken, because the vector  Rba is the same for all positions of the origin. 
As the moment vector M is independent of any particular origin or line of application, hence it is a free vector.

static force analysis

Static Force Analysis

When the inertia forces are neglected in comparison to the externally applied load, one may go for static force analysis. If the body is under equilibrium condition, then this equilibrium is known as static equilibrium and this condition is applicable in many machines where the movement is relatively slow. These include clamps, latches, support linkages, and many hand operated tools, such as pliers and cutters. In case of lifting cranes also, the bucket load and the static weight loads may be quite high relative to any dynamic loads due to accelerating masses and hence one may go for static force analysis.
When the inertia effect due to the mass of the components is also considered, it is called dynamic force analysis.
Applied and Constraint forces:
• When two or more bodies are connected together to form a group or system, the pair of action and reaction forces between any two of the connecting bodies is called constrained forces.
• These forces constrain the connected bodies to behave in a specific manner defined by the nature of the connection.
• Forces acting on this system of bodies from outside the system are called applied forces.
Electric, Magnetic and gravitational forces are example of forces that may be applied without actual physical contact. But most of the forces we are concerned in mechanical equipment occur through direct physical or mechanical contact.